MFPS Parent Support Group (PSG)
MFPS Parent Support Group (PSG)
Our School recognizes the importance of a strong school-parent partnership in enhancing the development and learning of our children. MFPS PSG is formed in the hope of encouraging a closer network of links between school and families to enhance communication and understanding.
As partners, the MFPS PSG supports the school’s vision in developing our students to be Empowered Learners and Empathetic Leaders. Our PSG collaborates actively with the school in activities and areas of need. Through this, they create a vibrant and nurturing environment that enhances the holistic school experience of students and help to create a joyful and caring environment for teaching and learning. PSG members volunteer their services in school events / programmes, learning journeys and maintain safety and orderliness during dismissal. They play an important role in the school and provide a voice that has an impact on the school’s climate, programmes and directions.
The school and PSG work together thus complementing each other’s strengths and gain a common vision towards improving our students’ holistic education.
PSG Exco Committee (2024 - 2025)

Please contact the school at if
you wish to join the Parent Support Group.
Parents in Education website: