Principal's Message
Principal's Message

Greetings from Mayflower Primary School and welcome to our webpage! We
hope that you will enjoy browsing through our website and find the information
useful. In Mayflower Primary School, we strive to nurture our students
to be Empowered Learners and Empathetic Leaders who will be Exemplary Citizens of Tomorrow.
As we move into the Covid-19 endemic phase as a nation, we call on every
member of the MFPS community – students, staff, parents – to persist and
work towards our common goal of nurturing Empowered Learners and Empathetic
Leaders in our children. We do this by embracing our learning dispositions,
starting with our ability to persist. The Covid-19 pandemic has taught
us that it is in the darkest skies that we see the stars. We believe in
putting in our best efforts until we reach our goal, even if we don’t succeed
the first time. In doing so, we will be able to sail through the roughest
seas and arrive at our intended outcomes.
We thank parents for entrusting the education of your child(ren) to us
and we look forward to journeying with parents and students in their 6
or 8 years (including MK@Mayflower) of learning and growth in the school.
It will be an exciting journey for both parents and students alike as we
work hand-in-hand to maximise the learning and development of the little
At Mayflower Primary School, we take a long-term view of learning and
education. Beyond teaching the curriculum to our students and preparing
them to ace tests and examinations, we seek to develop exemplary citizens
of tomorrow. Our aspiration is for our students to be self-motivated and
empowered learners who enjoy learning and take ownership for it. Furthermore,
as they learn to take greater responsibility for their learning, they will
also remember to care and positively influence and impact others around
them. We hope to accomplish this through the provision of robust broad-based
learning experiences within a caring and inclusive school community where
every child is valued and nurtured holistically.
Parents and educators may play different roles in the caregiving and education
of our children, but we all have one common purpose and that is to enable
every child to be a passionate lifelong learner and positive change agent!
The school looks forward to this collaborative partnership!
Ms Cecilia Lim