Education and Career Guidance (ECG)
Education and Career Guidance (ECG)
Learning Outcomes
The Education and Career Guidance (ECG) curriculum aims to equip our students with the necessary knowledge, skills and values to make informed decisions at each key education or career stage, and to develop a lifelong learning disposition. Through ECG lessons in our ExCitE! (FTGP) curriculum, students will:
Learn about and develop their interests, abilities, and passions;
Learn about the world of work, education, and career pathways that they can choose;
Learn how to make considered decisions about their education and career plans, and take steps to embark on them; and
Develop 21st century competencies, values, and skills to be adaptable and resilient.
Useful links
MFPS ECG portal – A one-stop portal to pull together all relevant information on PSLE, Secondary School Pathways, and tips on how to choose a secondary school
Singapore Education Landscape – A fun, interactive webpage to explore the Singapore Education Landscape and various pathways
My Skills Future Portal – A one-stop portal that enables Singaporeans of all ages to make informed education and career choices, and empowers them for lifelong learning
The portal is currently available for Primary 5 & 6 students.

A glimpse into the My Skills Future Portal - Primary
Click here:
Education Fair
Since 2016, an annual Education Fair has been organised for Upper Primary students and their parents to provide them with information on PSLE, Secondary School Options and available pathways [including Direct School Admission (DSA)].
Selected secondary schools are invited to share their curriculum and any other special programmes, which could help our students and parents make informed choices on the selection of secondary schools after PSLE.
This year, due to the need for Safe Management Measures, our fair will be held online. Primary 6 students and parents will be notified via Parents Gateway on the relevant details.

ECG Brochures for Parents

ECG Parents' Brochure (English).pdf